Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Insight on Celebrity Apprentice

I enjoy watching the show Celebrity Apprentice. It is hosted by The Donald Trump and has celebrities playing against each other to not be fired by Mr. Trump. I watch it mostly for the marketing ideas they use but have also enjoyed watching the management dysfunctions of the players on the show. My favorites to watch are Penn, Paul Sr. and Arsenal Hall. The women are a totally different story; I wont share with you the list I would like to see get fired.

The women’s team Forte lost 5 of the first 7 challenges; leaving Donald to have to break the team up this week. When we look at the downfall of this team we see back biting and in fighting. There are many different leadership styles but very few have been effective. Actually the only women that have survived don’t have the skills to lead anyone and The Donald did them a favor by dividing them up and adding them with the men’s team.

Take this as a lesson to review your leaders and their leadership style. Do you have the correct players on the right teams? Do you have the correct leaders leading the right teams? Making the right moves could save you some turnover of people. Sometimes you can lose good people to the way their leader is leading. The cost of turnover doesn’t allow you to over look this for long period of time.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on their management styles.
